In-depth online program that helps experts create a unique category-of-one brand through human design, targeted questions, and a little razzle dazzle

Brand Therapy uses psychology driven tools to help you create your expert brand so you can stand out authentically (even in the most saturated markets), get aligned clients, and make more money as a specialized service


Service based business owners need a nontraditional approach to branding.

Typical branding and marketing strategies can feel shallow to those doing deep work.

This can create a resistance to clarify their brand, embrace marketing strategies, and get visible to promote their work.

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A business without a brand can cause you to…

- Not go “all in” and hold yourself back from being seen (Ex: hesitating to post on social media or share your ideas in a podcast interview)

- Overcomplicate everything in your business, so things feel MUCH harder than they need to

- Try every new shiny strategy in hopes that it will turn everything around

- Second guess yourself and spin in self-doubt

- Work with clients that aren’t your soulmate clients (which can lead to burnout and frustration)

- Experience SLOW business growth despite a LOT of effort

- Overwhelm yourself by signing up for more certifications and trainings and hoping SOMETHING will help you stand out

- Engage in comparision-itis, where you decide “why bother creating a new offers or sharing my thoughts” since it’s all been done before

-Resent your business & start scrolling through job postings


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You’re invited to a new path to branding + business building.

In my experience, therapists, coaches, and healers want an approach to branding, marketing, and sales that matches the level of depth they bring to their work.

Introducing the Brand Therapy Model.

Brand Therapy blends tried and true branding strategy with innovative approaches like human design and shadow work to create a unique, soul level brand.

Ready to create a brand that is fueled by your passion, uniqueness, and evokes a deep emotional experience?

When you uncover your unique brand, everything drops into place - your offers shine, your content becomes more compelling, you magnetize clients & opportunities, and your income explodes because you have complete clarity on what makes you a category-of-one brand.

Unleash your individuality. Grow with more ease & a LOT less struggle.

The adventure begins now. 

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Have we met?

I’m Dr. Alyssa Adams, psychologist turned intuitive business coach and human design guide.

I help experts use their knowledge & experience to make money in new and different ways. Through a unique blend of shadow work and human design, we create a psychology driven, expert brand so you can go from best kept secret to one of the go to experts in your field. 

Brand Therapy is infused with my finely-tuned intuition, Projector-ness to see you deeply (the REAL you), and a no bullshit approach to brand building. 

After spending hundreds of hours with entrepreneurs, I’ve discovered the formula that helps service based business owners, like therapists, coaches, wellness or spiritual practitioners, create their unique brand.

A clear brand makes EVERYTHING easier.

It’s time to get out there and set the world on fire.

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After BRAND THERAPY, you’ll…

- Leverage your magic & expertise to create valuable, transformative offers that draw in your soulmate clients

- Let go of comparison with others because you’re absolutely clear on what makes you a unique, category-of-one in your business

- Feel excited to share personal stories that resonate with your audience so they’re ready to take the next step with you

- Step into your role as thought leader by clarifying your unique perspective & creating clear, compelling content that magnetizes clients & opportunities

- Hit your next level of income MUCH faster because you’re finally clear on what makes you unique, different, and unstoppable

- Feel confident sharing your ideas through speaking, writing, podcasting, or anything else that feels fun to you

- Raise your prices because you knew EXACTLY why you’re a specialized service and different from others


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

- Carl Jung

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How do we uncover your unique brand?

During this in-depth online program, you’ll answer targeted questions in each of the nine elements of the Brand Therapy Model. Through video modules, recorded meditations, and workbooks, you’ll DIY your unique, expert brand.


Explore key areas of your expertise and uncover what makes you a unique, category of one in your field

Identify credibility builders for the work you’re doing


Identify the value your business brings, such as what problem it solves, results it gets, & transformation it offers


Listen to the guided meditation to uncover your zone of genius

Identify your uniqueness through targeted questions & exploring your human design chart


Clarify what your brand stand for & explore your brand values

Define your mission, vision, and purpose

05. VIBE

Define the creative elements of your brand, such as the vibe, emotions, colors, and visual vibe of your brand


Turn your shadow side into your superpower by sharing personal stories of overcoming, growth, & transformation

Go deep into your inner world to bring out the most authentic elements of your brand


Define the core beliefs for your expert business so you can stand out as a thought leader in your field

Uncover your specific perspective so you always have ideas for content, marketing, and new offers


Identify compelling stories to share with your audience to foster real connection


Identify the brand archetype of your ideal clients and create messaging that emotionally resonates

Clarify your brand messaging and walk away with a clear one liner, bio, & brand personality statement


Two, live Q&A calls per month for 3 months where you can get your questions answered, meet with likeminded colleagues, and stay on track with the course

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  • Afternoon Q&A (Wed 5pm Eastern) and morning Q&A (11am Friday). Exact dates will be sent out after you sign up!

  • No problem! The Q&As are meant to supplement the course content. All the content you need to be successful in the course is pre-recorded and located in the course site. The Q&A sessions give you an extra opportunity to ask questions as you apply the material to your business.

    If you can’t make a Q&A call, you’re welcome to send in your questions to Alyssa and she’ll answer them during the live Q&A. All Q&A sessions are recorded and added to the course site so you can watch them after the call even if you can’t make it live!

  • You bring your Qs and Alyssa brings the As! Come with questions as you work through the material in the course. The course is structured as a self-study program so you can move through it at your own pace. Everyone on the calls will be given an opportunity to ask questions and it’s perfectly fine if everyone is in different places with the course content! There are no new lessons taught on the calls. All lessons are contained in the course site!

  • Yes, of course! Book a time to talk here.

  • You’re given immediate access to the course site where ALL of the course modules are immediately available.

  • The program contains pre-recorded video modules and workbooks that you complete at your own pace. In addition to the self-study course content, there are twice per month live, Q&A calls to get your questions answered as you work through the material. The live Q&A calls are meant to support your process as you move through the material.

  • You have ongoing access to the course content! There is no time limit on your access to the course content. The live Q&A sessions are offered twice per month for 3 months.

  • Yes! This is the program I wish I had when I first started my business. It’ll get you on the right track, right away so your business can thrive as soon as you start.


 Let’s start the adventure!

We dive into the deepest realms and reemerge transformed, clear, and feeling like a rockstar CEO. 

Cue 80s rock ballad. (You can’t see me, but I’m swinging my hair around like Tawny Kitaen).

Let’s do this.


 Have questions? Reach out at