094: Human Design: Using Your Authority in HD to Make Aligned Business Choices

The Uncommon Couch

094: Human Design: Using Your Authority in HD to Make Aligned Business Choices

As a business owner, it can feel like there are a thousand decisions to be made every single day. If you don’t have a framework with which to make those decisions, it’s easy to end up overwhelmed and unaligned. Luckily, Human Design offers the tools you need to understand how to make the most aligned decisions for your business.
In this episode, I break down the different types of authority in Human Design. I explain how to find yours, what they mean, and how to use your authority to make aligned business decisions. I also share how using Human Design has led me to a more sustainable, more fulfilling business model.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • Why it’s important to have a decision making framework in your business

  • What “authority” means in Human Design and how to find it in your chart

  • The types of authority in Human Design and what each of them mean

  • How to use your unique type of authority in your business

  • How making aligned decisions can lead to growth and fulfillment

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“There are a million decisions to make, so having a way to make decisions that are really aligned with who you are and how you're meant to make choices can be really helpful as it steers you on your way to make good choices for your business.” - Alyssa

“The task here is to wait out your emotional wave before making a decision.” - Alyssa

“When you start to choose things that are aligned for you, that helps you create the impact for a mentor, and that trickles down to others making decisions that are right for them.” - Alyssa

“Understanding how I'm meant to make decisions has been really helpful to allow me to take the space, take the time to make decisions in a way that has a lot less pressure associated with it.” - Alyssa