102: Exploring your offers: Interesting or investable?

The Uncommon Couch

102: Exploring your offers: Interesting or investable?

Today on The Uncommon Couch, I want to dig into a topic that I’ve seen pop up again and again from many of the clients I’ve coached. That involves creating an offer that’s sellable and interesting to their ideal clients vs. something that sounds interesting to the business owner. 

Too often I’ve seen clients create offers that they think sounds intriguing, but their potential clients don’t see the obvious value in what they offer. They just don’t see the potential results or the topic isn’t salient to them. 

The last thing that I want is for you is to spend hours creating an offer that doesn’t sell. Trust me, I know because I’ve been there and it is maddening. In order to invest in a solution, people have to have enough angst, or struggle associated with the problem. If their problem isn’t a big enough deal, they’re just not going to invest in it. Your perfect offer should be valuable, results-oriented, and sellable to your clients. 

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • Why some offers don’t sell

  • Why angst is important when selling offers

  • Tips for coming up with an offer that people want

  • Making sure your personality is included in your offer

  • The “know, like, and trust” factor

  • The trial and error process involved with selling

  • How to test your topic

  • Tips for dealing with perfection


People have to have enough charge, enough angst, and enough struggle associated with some sort of problem or curiosity that they have in order to invest in the solution. [00:02:55] –Alyssa

If there's not that kind of “holy shit,yes”, then you've kind of lost people a little bit. That energetic resonance just isn't clicking in. [00:04:54] –Alyssa

I've sold thousands of dollars in courses and programs, and I actually love creating content based products. It can be really freeing to create something that you can sell that doesn't require a ton of ongoing effort from you after it's created. [00:11:28]-- Alyssa