125: The Authority Series: Exploring ego authority with Agnes Szabo

The Uncommon Couch

125: The Authority Series: Exploring ego authority with Agnes Szabo

On today’s episode, I’m talking to Agi Szabo, a human design guide and mentor who also happens to have a rare ego projected authority! She’s sharing how she learned to lean into her ego defined center, allowing for the rest that keeps her energy up instead of fighting it, and how she’s learned to follow her energy to say “yes” to the right opportunities.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [01:28] How Agi discovered human design and why it didn’t resonate with her at first

  • [03:24] How it feels for Agi to work in her ego projected authority

  • [06:37] What it feels like when Agi’s motor responds to a “yes” and how that gives her energy to work and feel excited about projects

  • [11:25] The relationship between the ego defined center and rest and why it’s so important to be tuned into your energy with this authority 

  • [14:01] Why taking time for yourself and to be with yourself is crucial to staying in your energy as an ego projected center, and why you shouldn’t feel like that’s being selfish

  • [17:31] Agi’s advice for other ego projected centers for keeping up their energy, staying positive, and saying “yes” to the right opportunities

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

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Agnes’s Bio:

Agi is a human design guide and mentor.

Connect with Agi:

Follow Agi on Instagram


[00:03:05] Agnes Szabo: I notice that when I say yes to something that's a no, after I really push myself, the energy doesn't last long. It's a chore and I still do it anyway, but I burn out really easily. [00:03:14][8.8]

[00:04:08] Agnes Szabo: It's not until I get really tired or really bitter that I notice that I've stopped following my authority and I've been led by mental decisions instead. [00:04:15][7.7]

[00:05:45] Agnes Szabo: So it’s about being okay with doing what you can, what feels good, and then saying no to what doesn't. And trusting that what doesn't feel good is not meant for you. [00:05:55][10.2]

[00:06:28] Agnes Szabo: Honor your uniqueness. Maybe no one's going to understand you, but it's so special when you honor yourself and the world does feel more magical when you honor that. [00:06:36][7.7]

[00:19:19] Agnes Szabo: People feel good when they see people that feel good. So do what makes you feel good. [00:19:22][3.6]