132: What to do when your sacral authority points you in a new business direction with Kate Overton

The Uncommon Couch

132: What to do when your sacral authority points you in a new business direction with Kate Overton

In today’s episode, I’m talking with Kate Overton about how using sacral authority can guide your decision making and change your business. Kate shares her nonlinear path to pursuing her business, what human design helped her uncover about herself, and what it feels like to accept the ease and flow in our business. It’s a great reminder that not everything has to be a hard won fight or something to overcome.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [01:36] How Kate landed where she is now, doing the work she does in the wellness space, via a circuitous path 

  • [04:00] Kate gives the inside scoop on her business, Helia Health & Beauty

  • [05:57] Kate shares what human design helped her uncover about herself 

  • [08:09] How Kate uses her sacral response for decision making and how it’s affected the new direction of her business

  • [14:36] How it feels to accept the ease and flow in our lives and businesses

  • [18:59] How Kate has found clarity around her brand

  • [23:36] How what we model in pursuing what’s inside of us can impact our children and future generations

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

If you enjoyed this show, subscribe to the Uncommon Couch Podcast on your podcast app so you’ll never miss an episode. Want to get to know me more? Follow along on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter here!

Kate’s Bio:

Kate Gust Overton is a licensed acupuncturist with a master’s degree in acupuncture from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She also holds the designation of ADAPT Trained Practitioner from Kresser Institute, the only Functional Medicine and ancestral health training company. Kate practices Traditional Chinese Medicine, Five Element Acupuncture, and uses various other modalities which include cupping, gua sha, essential oils, and moxibustion. She is trained in microneedling and cosmetic acupuncture and is also the owner of Helia Health & Beauty and manages The Studio at Helia.

Connect with Kate:

Follow Kate on Instagram

Helia Health & Beauty 


[00:07:10] Kate: Other people were in high school or graduating college in four years going to law school, and I never did that. And I kept looking at it as somehow a deficiency in me rather than, oh, once I saw my chart and I was like, “Wait, this can be a strength.” [00:07:25][15.0]

[00:09:22] Kate: How do I know it's a yes? It's almost like my arms feel like they're filled with effervescent bubbles. [00:09:29][7.4]

[00:14:20] Kate: I've gotten pretty good in life realizing if the green lights keep happening, which they seem to in this new endeavor that I'm going down, it just keeps unfolding and blossoming and getting bigger, then that's definitely an indication or a sign that I'm on the right path. [00:14:36][15.2]

[00:21:17] Alyssa: I think often we sort of plow our way through business and we're like, okay, I got to get the email list and I got to get the social media going or I got to get my offers down and and it can cause things to feel sort of disconnected. [00:21:35][18.3]

[00:25:11] Alyssa: If you take a nontraditional path, it's really nice to see other people taking a nontraditional path. So you're like, “What could that look like? Oh, it doesn't have to look exactly the same for everyone.” [00:25:24][12.9]