136: Rethinking sales: how to sell "inner work"

The Uncommon Couch

136: Rethinking sales: how to sell "inner work"

Sales can feel particularly uncomfortable for those of us in the helping and healing fields. But, as business owners it’s important for us to explore our preconceived beliefs about sales. In this episode of Uncommon Couch, I talk about the ways you can reframe sales. And maybe you’ll even start to enjoy the sales part of your business!

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [02:35] Some things to ponder as you think about selling your services, such as what sales means to you, and why you might feel a resistance to it

  • [05:01] Think about the opportunities you give people to connect with you and how to communicate what’s unique and different about working with you

  • [12:53] Why you should be very clear on the problem you’re trying to solve for your clients as it is often intangible (think mindfulness or growth mindset, for example)

  • [21:49] Why you should reframe your definition of sales in general

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

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Resources mentioned:

Episode 39, Mediumship, Mental Health, and Therapist Referrals with Denise Correll


[00:03:07] Alyssa: What are the things that come up for you when you think of sales? It often doesn't have the best associations with it, right? Even for me, I thought sales was something that I didn't need to know about. [00:03:21][13.5]

[00:09:18] Alyssa: If you're buying a copier, you're not thinking about it in the same way as when you're potentially buying a relationship or engaging in a relationship to work on something in particular that's deep and profound and meaningful.  [00:09:32][14.3]

[00:13:04] Alyssa: I want you to be extremely clear on what the problem is that you solve, who you want to help, how you help them, and the results that they can hope to attain from working with you were engaging in your program [00:13:21][16.4]

[00:13:28] Alyssa: Our work is intangible, right? It's hard to get across to people sometimes the value of engaging in a personal growth type of experience. So we want to help them connect the dots.  [00:13:45][17.0]