138: Are you thriving?

The Uncommon Couch

138: Are you thriving?

As business owners, we all aim to succeed, right? We strive to achieve our goals, help our clients, bring in revenue, etc. But does checking those boxes mean that we are fulfilled and satisfied with our work? Not necessarily. 

In this episode of Uncommon Couch, I talk about the ways you can thrive in your life and your business and how knowing your human design energy type can help you in this process. Here’s to thriving, friends!

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [02:05] Success in your business doesn’t always mean that you’re thriving

  • [03:58] The definition of thriving is different for every business owner and you have to define it for yourself

  • [06:09] The human design energy types and how they each thrive differently

  • [17:23] An exercise to examine how you’re thriving in the domains of your life (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically)

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

If you enjoyed this show, subscribe to the Uncommon Couch Podcast on your podcast app so you’ll never miss an episode. Want to get to know me more? Follow along on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter here!

Resources mentioned:

Reframe with Jenna Zoë podcast


[00:03:29] Alyssa Adams: You can have a really successful business and be so miserable and be overwhelmed and exhausted and depleted. And I know this because I've been there myself. [00:03:40][10.5]

[00:04:09] Alyssa Adams: I kept coming back to this word “thrive” because you can have a successful business and not feel like you're thriving, not feel happy, fulfilled, peaceful, excited. And I think that this is really common as well in executives or leaders or people who are in maybe more traditional 9 to 5 jobs. [00:04:26][16.5]

[00:05:17] Alyssa Adams: What does it mean to have a thriving business? What does it mean to thrive in your personal life? What would it look like if your relationships were thriving? What would it look like if you were thriving financially or if your health was thriving? [00:05:33][16.0]

[00:24:01] Alyssa Adams: I don't wait to upend your life to try to “thrive” in your life, but just these little small changes that can help you feel like, “I'm doing things to make the experience of life powerful, fulfilling, full of meaning.”  [00:24:20][18.5]

Alyssa Adams