110: Alyssa's Interview on Enlightened Empaths about How to Share Your Uniqueness with the World

The Uncommon Couch

110: Alyssa's Interview on Enlightened Empaths about How to Share Your Uniqueness with the World

I had the privilege of chatting with Denise Correll on the Enlightened Empaths podcast. In this episode, we chat about how I stepped out of a very traditional role to create a new path of owning my own business and building a life centered around freedom, passion, and alignment. I also share how I help my clients do this very same thing on their own entrepreneurial journeys.

Be sure to check out my new program, Unique Advantage School, which helps you find your authenticity so you can make that front-and-center in your business, as well as learning how to identify your specialized offering so that you can bring in more money and work with clients that are aligned with your uniqueness. 

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [02:33] How I stepped out of the parameters of my training to build my own business that allows for more freedom and doing work that I truly love

  • [07:31] What it was like stepping out of a traditional role and into the coaching realm and the importance of identifying what is the right space for you

  • [14:51] How I incorporate human design into my offerings and how this work helps my client’s identify their uniqueness

  • [25:43] How my new program, Unique Advantage School, helps you identify what is your aligned expertise and how to apply it your business

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

If you enjoyed this show, subscribe to the Uncommon Couch Podcast on your podcast app so you’ll never miss an episode. Want to get to know me more? Follow along on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter here!


I love working with people. But the last time I did that, I burned myself out. So what the heck do I do now? Like, how do I use those skills in some other way? So I started to dive into coaching and really loved it and it was this great way to leverage my skills as a psychologist in this new way. [03:53] —Alyssa

How do you find those really unique parts of yourself that feel so true to you and the work you're here to do in this life? How do we weave that into a business that is successful and fits into your life and really lets you have the freedom that maybe you didn't have before in previous careers? [05:35] —Alyssa

So I feel like that is the piece where my traditional training in psychology has really helped with because I know how to help people make that change or change their stories and change the things that they've carried with them and kind of picked up as like these different layers throughout their life. [19:01] —Alyssa

It's so fun. I mean, to see, people really own who they are and what they want unapologetically. It's really an amazing experience. [31:06] —Alyssa

So it looks so different for everybody and really getting clear on what is it that you want? What is it that feels good to you when you're thriving and successful? Because that is going to be so different for every single person. [34:58] —Alyssa