105: Embracing your Manifestor Magic with Holly Maree

The Uncommon Couch

105: Embracing your Manifestor Magic with Holly Maree

Have you ever felt stuck in a business that might be financially successful but is still mentally and emotionally exhausting? This can happen when you build a business that’s not aligned with your energy and inner magic. 

Holly Maree understands this all too well. She worked successfully in multiple industries, from nursing to cafe ownership, with each industry becoming more painful than the last, before she finally figured out how she operated differently as a human design Manifestor. This realization allowed her to redesign her life and business in a way that was aligned with how her energy works. 

In this episode, she tells the story of how she eventually found her calling by following her intuition as a Manifestor, how Manifestors need different advice and encouragement than other types (and how that’s often lacking in the Human Design community) and why she focuses specifically on teaching Manifestors to build trust in themselves and explore their own magical gifts.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [01:59] Holly’s story of discovering her own Manifestor passions and why she’s so enthusiastic about helping other Manifestors do the same

  • [15:33] Why owning a business as a Manifestor looks so different than it does for other Human Design types and why it’s okay to run a business your own way

  • [24:26] How coming from a physiological background allows Holly to connect other Manifestors with their own bodies

  • [28:58] Why your business is a mirror and how treating it as an entity unique to you allows you to find your most aligned space

  • [34:26] How Manifestors often thrive by using different business strategies than other Human Design types and how they need to protect their energy in business

  • [38:04] How Holly’s business continues to evolve as she leans into her Manifestor strengths

Holly’s Bio:

Holly Maree is a Spiritual Teacher activating people into success and breakthrough. She focuses on teaching a new narrative of success to those who want to succeed by creating their own rules. Her area of highly sought after speciality is in Human Design Manifestors.

Holly Maree is a Certified Trauma Informed Life and Success Coach and is also Certified in Human Design (the Human Design system, HD for business and HD for Quantum Manifestation), Breathwork, Mediation, Reiki 2, EFT and clinical Hypnotherapy.

Connect with Holly:

Holly’s Website

Holly’s Instagram

Holly Facebook page


[00:07:47] Holly Maree: Eventually my body just started to fall apart. I developed a heart condition. I couldn't keep working and I went through a huge spiritual awakening. And I think, honestly, it's because I didn't have any other choice. I'd lost any motivation to do anything. I couldn't fathom kind of going back to work for somebody else. 

[00:18:33] Holly Maree: And that process is very simple. It really is straightforward. It's like, Oh, so all I need to do is create and get support and rest. Well, yeah, that's like the sum total of what we do over here. We do a lot of informing and then you're golden. But to arrive at that point, there's a lot of healing and a lot of deconditioning, a lot of reclamation, of power, of recognizing our own energy, of really getting into alignment with those energy cycles.

[00:21:12] Holly Maree: Our ultimate goal here and the outcome that we're working towards is self trust. Yes,  as much as we can be confident and unapologetic and sovereign in connecting purely to our energy as close to energy beings as separate energy beings, then kind of where we move the pieces in, right where are you, not walking towards that and let's remove that from your path.

[00:29:00] Holly Maree: Your business is a mirror. It's just a reflection that wherever you are at with yourself.